Tuesday, September 5, 2006


For those who aren’t aware, the Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin died this weekend. If you’ve ever met my son, the animal lover, you’d know why I decided to write about it. Boy has been watching Steve since he was three years old. More than Cartoon Network, or Nickelodeon, Boy has watched Animal Planet religiously. In kindergarten his school had a spirit day where they were supposed to dress like their favorite T.V. character and Boy donned his khaki and went as Steve.When he was four he would suddenly shout “Danger, Danger, Danger” with an Australian accent, and then laugh hysterically. He used to watch his Wiggly Safari (Wiggles at the Australian Zoo) DVD religiously. We even have a Crocodile Hunter game that involves a mechanical croc and Steve and Terri jumping off a fence. Boy is sad because there will never be another new episode of the Crocodile Hunter, though he takes comfort in the fact that at least Jeff Corwin didn’t die too.
Goodbye Steve Irwin, we’ll miss you!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I too will miss Steve Irwin. He had a great passion for wildlife. I think Iain should be Crocodile Hunter II (along with Steve's kids). He's the only man for the job!