Friday, September 26, 2008

This is Halloween

I get a little too into Halloween. I love making costumes for my kids. I really try and let them choose whatever they can come up with, limited only by my ability to create an outfit. There have been times when I bought their costumes particularly if they had a difficult one the year before. Also the year Girl was born (8 days before Halloween) everything was store bought.

So now It's the time when we start thinking about what is to come. Girl is a big waffler she can't decide if she wants to be a cheerleader, Tinker Belle, or a princess. It changes everyday.

Boy, however, has it down. He knows that if he doesn't tell me with enough time, he won't get what he wants. So what's it going to be?

Originally he was going to borrow his sister's Hannah Montana wig, his Grandma's sunglasses, and be a hippy, but he has since ditched them for an awesome Dr. Horrible costume that I will be making. He is so very much like me it's scary.

So get ready for Dr. Horrible and a Tinker Belle/Cheerleader/princess.


Cameron said...

Excellent. My girl is planning to be a piggy in the mud...specifically in the mud. And she has decided that boy is going to be a froggy.

Wish I could go back to those days...much simpler back then.

steenky bee said...

Oh, you have to start early or all the good costumes are gone. My husband thinks I'm crazy, but I start preparing in July.

Faye said...

What a good mom! Handmade Halloween costumes made to order are one of the great childhood memories.